Kaczmarska.pl  |  PAINTINGS|PAINTINGS >  RETRO||


Dimensions:50 x 114(3x38) cm
Technique:acrylic on canvas
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My grandfather, Kazimierz, in the middle of the triptych, and one Konrad on each side. Grandfather is shown wearing a helmet, a uniform, with military equipment – he is about to be sent to the front. Hence the expression on his face: sad and somewhat fierce ,“stuck” in himself – he knows that he must go (military traditions ran in his blood – his father, and my great-grandfather Edward was a major in the Polish Army), although he absolutely does not believe in it, because he is a pacifist. The slim face of a young military man is overwhelmed with the helmet, although the latter is barely marked. To the right is a portrait of a romantic but stubborn Konrad. He was the son of a good Kraków family, who were close friends with our own family. He was interested in my grandmother before the war, but she chose another (my grandparents got married in July 1939). He was somewhere, however, constantly in the orbit, waiting for... Well, what for? In the context of the war situation, only one scenario comes to mind. His picture as a mature man has survived, with a dedication to my grandmother, 14 years after they met, he was still waiting... And on the left – also Konrad, my friend who probably does not wait for anything, but we have liked each other for a long time! And these two different Konrads were unexpectedly associated with me – around the women of my family, and together with the nearly-martyr-like grandfather’s portrait, put together.

