

Kaczmarska.pl  |  SHOWS >  INTERFERENCES

The series “Interferences” is the result of my reflections on two topics: presentation of the human body and movement. The figure of man has always been for me a source inspiration. From year to year I was discovering new body positions and different solutions to represent them in painting. In my work, however, the body has always remained motionless, no matter how dynamic its pose would be in the painting.

I have also worked on expressing the impression of movement in painting. The result of that is the work “Hubbub” in which I depict the vibrations of different spaces perceptible to the eye through colour, aggressive matter, the breakdown of space and flashes of light.

The two directions of my research in painting unexpectedly met. I decided to move the body. I did not only want to show the body in motion, but also to show it through modern ways of seeing and perceiving the world – photography, television, computer, phone, tablet or other electronic media that disseminate image.

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn
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